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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Our world in color

Charleston's Rainbow Row
I don't know where most of the places pictured are. I got many of the images from pinterest and others from just browsing. However I am happy to share a view of the world that seems to be far away from us when the Winter months hit. I live in East Tennessee. In the Spring the landscape lights up with flowers and bright green leaves. The sun brings on lovely colors and wonderful smells. The birds sing and the animals run around. The earth puts on a show of color. All sorts of color. And my favorite thing is color. But in the winter we have overcast days, leafless trees, rain, fog, and a general brown/tan/gray coloration. So here are some things for those 

of you who need a dash of color. I realize that in many places, people are not well-to-do and they use color to enhance their lives. I am lucky enough to be able to see lots of those places on the computer. I've been to a few. I love the energy that the colors give the places and their inhabitants.

 I believe that the wonderful colors painted on the buildings shown are a re-affirmation of the human spirit. I'm drawn to color myself and I am trying to put more color into my surroundings. I collected some colored glass pieces several years ago. Nothing special, a few plates and a few pieces of Depression Glass. It's funny that it is named Depression Glass. I know the history but it also helps me deal with the feelings of depression brought on by Winter's gray days.

The other ways that humans color their worlds are so wonderful that I had to picture a couple here for you. I really can't imagine the giraffe standing still for a paint job but isn't it innovative that someone could make it look as if? And a pink Christmas tree? How unexpected. Of course flowers are a huge part of the color story. There is also art, fashion, home decor, and the imagery of reading. I watched Howl's Moving Castle last night. It is one of the most colorful and beautiful movies I've seen and I'll watch it again and again. This winter, instead of waiting for spring and its color, I am looking to add color to my life in a more agressive manner. I'll make it myself.


Amber said...

I'm looking to add more color into my world too. Once it starts to get a little warmer I want to paint the walls in my living room a nice golden yellow.

momto8 said...

right now I am just enjoying the whites and browns..

nazelet said...

what great, happy places to live. What a share.

Lorena said...

I admit I use to be very SHY about color in my wear because I thought it attracted looks more than I wanted - so i stayed away. But not anymore, I don't care now :)
And I have been lucky enough to visit two of the places in your colorful cities pictures: Curacao in the Caribbean and Caminito in Buenos Aires Argentina - I must add that these places are lively and with the color comes music.