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Saturday, August 15, 2020

There was a time

Nobody told me what it was like to grow old. Or even to grow up. I always believed in the goodness of people and that the love of family was important. I suppose that depends on your family. But, I have been disabused of that notion in spades. So now I don't worry about what I say or how I say it because the person I hoped to understand me has become persona non grata in my life. So I'll now devolve into the bitch I was always meant to be. 

Growing old doesn't happen in thoughts. I don't think any older than I ever have. Except with the comics. I now read Crankshaft(crotchety old dude) and understand completely. Otherwise no change. I like the same clothes. And I won't let my hair get gray. I would but my gray looks like mud. So I am again blonding. My body won't. It just won't. I heard that when you turn 40 everything hurts. At 75 I'm way past that. Goodness knows I try to get up without sounding like a mad cow. And I love to bend over. That swimmy head thing is a great high. For a short time. I also have begun to pee like a racehorse between the hours of 12 and 3 at night. I am having dreams of doing fun things like camping and having great trips. So aging is not helping. Then there is covid. Did you know that wearing a mask is hard for someone who is already short of breath? And I drool in the mask sometimes. God forbid that I cough in it. I would blow out the false teeth and hope the mask catches them. 

I also have read lots of articles on how to be stylish after 40, or 50, or 60. Vuitton, Max Mara, Gucci. That is the way to go. Of course, my way to go is Dollar General and Walmart. I am a firm believer that a 75 year old overweight woman needs to make up her own mind. I could try to wear skinny jeans. I giggle at the thought. And Dad sneakers are the ugliest things I have ever seen. I wear a size 10  shoe and I would feel like a clown in them. Jeans that only come up to the hips? I have seen them on overweight girls. OH MY!!!!

So this is my first take on aging. More to come.

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