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Wednesday, March 7, 2012

What a winter

The picture shows an area across the street from where I live. I would guess the ditch, which runs into a culvert under our street is about 25 feet down and 75 ft across. During dry times if functions as a green space. The pic above shows it full of water. This was taken during the winter. It's been a bad one to me. The temps have been warm enough to get out and do stuff but the overcast and rain has been really depressing. And just when I thought we were doing the Spring thing, We Got The Flu. Damn.


my thrifty closet said...

sorry to hear about the flu...take care! The weather is's raining non stop for days and sunny for the rest of the weeks. We have been experiencing strange weathers.


Lorena said...

Hi Judy,
Are you ok ? hopefully by now you beat the flu.
Just hope that has passed and that you are feeling better :)