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Saturday, May 14, 2011

I have a huge window

I had two windows removed and one big window put in last year. And a new deck. So of course we added some bird feeders and some plants. Then I discovered that there is a huge difference in bird seeds. I'd been using a cheap seed from the dollar store or from the grocery store. I  went to Lowe's and bought a bag while I was there. Now the birds are all over it. Tons of different kinds of birds. And then, this. I am sure he knew I was there because he watched me. He's been back several times.


LBB said...

Those squirrels are so clever aren't they?! I too have recently just added some different seed to our feeders too & what a difference in the birds!!

Unknown said...

He's so cute! My grandmother used to get so ticked when squirrels would get into her bird feeder..but I figured, What the heck?! It's all wildlife! Hugs to you!!! ~Serene

Ofelia said...

Judy, you are very nice to help with the feeding of birds and squirrels. Is one less thing that Mother Nature has to do!

Lorena said...

I have been leaving bananas for parakeets to visit and i have been ignored.
I think you are lucky to have this gorgeous spectacle outside you very own home.
I think you should name the squirrel or maybe buy him squirrel food.

KC said...

You are so sweet..letting that cute l'il squirrely "borrow" from the birds!
I attempted to show my son a close-up of the squirrel (since he can never "catch" one when he sees it), but all he noticed was the black cat on the sidebar since it looks like our cat!
Anyway, these are great pics! I wish I had a window like that!

Judy C said...

Thanks to everyone for the comments. I've named him buddy. He has a smaller friend yet to be named. It's interesting how he is willing to hang to get to the food.

Amber said...

Silly squirrels. That must be such a treat to have a large window to just gaze out of.

Ofelia said...

Hi Judy, I just wanted to know if you are o.k. because you usually post a lot more and I haven't seen any movement in your blog.
Hoping that you are doing great,

Stacey said...

Thank you so much for visiting my site :) I really enjoyed reading yours - those squirrels used to make me mad!!! LOL