I remember in the late 70's or early 80's that there was a TV show in which the oft said thing was "I love it when a plan comes together." And I remember how gorgeous the man who said it was. Do you?
AnywayI have had the top for a fairly long time. Maybe 2 years, maybe more. And I wore it with a pair of black pants. Yawn! So, today, in my quest to make better use of my clothes and to look better doing it, I started looking at it. I realized I do like the pattern, sort of an art deco thing. And I like the colors. And I like the lace on the front. And I like the length,(covers my butt) and I like the fabric, (wash and hang). So what have I been waiting for. First I found I had a pair of pants which goes well with the top. Then I noticed that a sweater(cardigan) that I ebayed from Coldwater Creek matches it. Then there were the shoes(also ebayed and Aerosoles) matched the dark red perfectly. Then the jewelry was there and it all came together. All this time not wearing it. The sweater was a fairly recent purchase, since I started working harder on the blog. And the plan came together.
On Advanced Style, one of my favorite blogs, one of the ladies said she sometimes waited years to find just the right part to complete an outfit. I don't have the patience for that but the way she does it is real eye candy. I didn't buy the sweater to use with the outfit. It just worked out that way. And I now have more reason to put a lot of thought into the purchases. The top was one I really liked when I bought it. But I was lucky it fit. Buying from ebay takes a lot of thought as to fit, use, ease of use, etc. And luck counts.