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Thursday, April 14, 2011

I deserve flowers

I decided that I deserve flowers after Shadow died and the more so since my surgery. So I had gone to the store and bought some flowers. Then I lucked into a place with the most beautiful flowers and just had to stop. It's a place that carries fruits, veggies, Christmas, Halloween, etc. And It is a genuine road side stand in the middle of one of Knoxville's busiest streets. I hadn't been there before and I'm so glad I stopped. There are dogwoods and other trees coming out all over Knoxville and I am happy to add to the show with a couple of Tuberous Begonias. I am totally illiterate when I deal with gardening so to be sure I am glad that there are little labels stuck inside the plants. I haven't been interested too much in gardening partly because bending over is a true pain with a bad spine. So this Spring I am going to get a rolling cart.

Some of the girls are wearing Spring and Summer things now and I'm glad to see skin. I've never been fond of stockings and tights are so popular this year I am just glad for warm weather and skin. Of course a person can be totally white after the winter we have all had. But I'll be doing a little recuperating outside in the sun. Maybe I'll actually get a little color this year.

I've really been enjoying the decor blogs of late. Must be the coming of Spring. But I'll need to wash my windows to make sure.

I am so grateful for the new friends joining me on the blog and for all the good wishes. This is a fabulous way to stay connected if getting out is hard.


Ofelia said...

Spring colors and flowers are such a beautiful sight!
You can try to plant flowers from seeds if the live plants don't work for you.

Lorena said...

Yes, I agree You do deserve flowers :)
I love having them around.

Amber said...

hey there fellow southern gal, so happy to hear your surgery went well and yes you deserve bunches of flowers :)

Katherine said...

You totally deserve flowers :) They're beautiful and I'm so glad spring is coming in as well.