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Monday, March 28, 2011

Color Challenge Round One


Sheryl Parsons said...

So are you trying to see what outfits you like the best, the color you like the best? I think you should go with what feels good on you! I see you smiling in some of the photos and not others. Was it the top? The color? Sometimes we are just having a red day, or a green moment. :-) I do like the creamy yellow and turquoise, as well as the red, and peach on you especially. Are these all "Spring" shades?

Judy C said...

Sheryl- I don't really know why I am not smiling in all the pics. I do know that for the last several days my knee and back have been giving me a lot of pain. So some days are not so good. Surgery in the future will hopefully correct some of the problem. Actually, I like the yellow turquoise best. And the orange next. Ah, Spring.

Ofelia said...

Judy, lovely collection of pictures and outfits.
Color (yellow, oranges, etc) looks very good on you my dear!